Monday, November 7, 2011

Darn Dreams!

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*Leeloo listens to music as she surfs around the internet during some downtime*

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*Leeloo starts to go through and clean out her old emails and she runs across the ones from when she found that one guy.... The tall funny musician*

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*Leeloo's heart skips a beat as she flashes back to that terrible nightmare*

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*She remembers how that heartbreak in her dream... it zapped all her creativity, her desire*

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*Leeloo snaps out of it and leans back in her chair*
So many women I admire are quirky and weird... and they are successful. Doesn't mean I can't be too! right?

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Leeloo: Like I said before... I just have to be me and things will work out...

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Leeloo: I just know it will!

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Leeloo: I think its time for a change...

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*Leeloo bends down to open her bedside table*

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Leeloo: It's time for blue hair!

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Leeloo: and a Bunny Hat!

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Leeloo: I can't stop thinking about him...

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Leeloo: I've got to get him out of my head...

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Leeloo: hmm...

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Leeloo: I wonder...

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Leeloo: I should write him!

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Leeloo: But...

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Leeloo: What if that nightmare comes true?

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Leeloo: I'll never know unless I try...

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Leeloo: It could end up being a dream... And its better than not knowing, yea? This could be it!

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Leeloo: My Protector, My Best Friend, My Love, My one

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Leeloo: He could be the Rava to my Miyu!

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Leeloo:My Mamo-Chan!

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Leeloo: It could be an uncanny dream!

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*Leeloo flops onto the bed and sleepily asks the carebear*
Leeloo: What do you think Blue?

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*Leeloo dozes off - exhausted from the excitement*
Hopefully to a better dream and future

(7396V) ~> (8479V)

1 comment:

  1. How cute! Leeloo will find her way, she knows who she is and what she wants. It will sort out <3 best of luck to her!
