Monday, March 28, 2011

That Haunting Dream

Poor Leeloo has had a time of it lately... The only escape from the stress has been sleep, but she's had trouble doing even that.
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Leeloo: Why is it that all the stars have to align for me?

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Leeloo: I've been packing and organizing this stuff for what seems like forever

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Leeloo: Toiling over whether I can make it work. Can I afford it? Can I move in time? Will it all fit? Will I be happier?

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Leeloo lets out a sigh

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Leeloo: I'm beginning to question it all.

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Leeloo: Is any of it worth it? 

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Leeloo: Whats the point of all this seemingly fruitless effort?

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Leeloo: All the things I've done in my life.

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Leeloo: Things I was once proud of. Things I had thought were worth while and meant something, at least to me.

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Leeloo: They've all started to slip away and loose meaning.

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Leeloo: Value...

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Leeloo: I've done all I can do....

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Leeloo: I just don't know if it'll be enough.

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Leeloo: I hate not being in control.

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Leeloo: 私は新たな始まりをする。。。

(4592V) ~> (5095V)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Leeloo's Valentines Nightmare

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Leeloo falls asleep after having shopped around for a boyfriend online... She did find that one cute musician and has been thinking of him alot...

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Leeloo smiles as she dreams that she heard an email notification on her iPhone...

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Leeloo checks and see's she heard from the cute musician who she started to write to, but didn't

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She giggles a little in her sleep as she dreams of reading his first message, 
"Hai! You sound awesome and are so cute too! :)
I'd love to chat with you... 
*Excited to get to know you*"

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Leeloo dreams they go on their first date and it was instant - cute, tall, polite. She definitely liked this guy...

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She dreams of their first kiss...

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She dreams they spend more time with each other.... It's like she found her other half - a best friend. Someone she wants to spend the rest of her life with.

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He surprise invites her to meet his mother, even though she's wearing her leopard print pants and crazy makeup. She's so nervous because its not exactly mother meeting attire....

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His family likes her, they spend so much time together, work on projects, help each other, comfort each other. It's all so dreamy - literally.

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Its Valentines Day: He's acting odd... She tries to comfort him and wants to help with whatever is bothering him... An hour of agony, crying, conversation, and silence goes by and he still hasn't said whats wrong. She starts to worry.

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In her dream he breaks up with her, and in the same breath says they were prefect.... and that he wishes he were two people. One for 'her' and one for Leeloo. Leeloo throws her blanket in an involuntary frustration to this blissfull dream turned nightmare.

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She is in shock. None of it makes sense. None of it is fair.

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She is devistated and paints this. She can't convey the sadness and anger she feels...

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She doesn't have any want for food, painting, photography, and can't even go to work. 

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Leeloo's nightmare tears fall to the pillow under her head.

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Leeloo wakes up in a startled cold teary sweat.

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Leeloo: Was that real?

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Leeloo: It can't be...

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Leeloo glances over at Luv Bunny. If she can't believe in love... then what else is there?

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Leeloo: Let's check to make sure...

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Leeloo checks her messages...

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Leeloo:  I suppose thats for the best... I couldn't survive if that nightmare was real. To have searched so long... to of finally found him... to be thrown to the side like a candy wrapper... I couldn't survive that. I couldn't take my heart being broken again.

(4256V) ~> (4592V)